Mathildas life in Japan

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Av Mathilda - 4 januari 2013 15:16


Av Mathilda - 29 december 2012 17:50

Nu är det inte mer än 3 dagar tills jag åker till Japan! Tiden rusar så himmla fort.
Har fortfarande inte hunnit få den känslan att jag verkligen ska bort...

Tror det kommer kännas ganska rejält när jag väl sitter på planet :D
Så igår kväll började jag packa lite, hämta ner väskan från vinden där alla lysen var trasiga..! skit läskigt xD
Men har ändå den stationära datorn att sätta upp på vinden när jag väl orkar.

Efterom jag började packa ner halva rummet och städa det, så ser det inte speciellt snyggt ut..ungefär som ett bombnedslag :D Men det börjar ta sig mer nu :) Kommer packa mer imorgon och få tvätta de sista sakerna. Har ingen energi att göra någonting just nu, Vaknar runt 10 , men blir mörkt runt 4 . Så känns som det är mitt i natten nu vid 18.00 tiden. Så det får bli att spela lite spel ikväll bara, Köpte nyss WORMS revolution ! 50 % rea på steam ! Hurra!!

Kanske inte hinner blogga på nyårsafton då jag är rätt fullspäckad med packning och gud vet vad. Så skriver här och nu för säkerhetsskull! Gott nytt år och få en riktigt trevlig helg och fortsättning! :D


Av Mathilda - 26 december 2012 15:26

It's the 26th december today, all the shops are open again , and crazy OUTSALE on almost everything. I was thinking of going out in the crazyness and buy the last things i need for my trip to Japan.
But i soon realized i will be to tired to even try it. The city is so crowded with people that you probably can't get on time with busses.

So i'm just home now , taking it easy and thinking of when i will need to start packing. All the things i will be bringing with me , will be rather heavy so i hope it will make the weight at the airport.
I will be bringing 2 Suitcases + my mother will come along for the 1:st week, and with that i have some extra space in her bag too :D my first bag will be filled with only clothes, the 2nd one which is a shellbag, i would have the more "vulnurable" stuff, like make up , the liquid (shampoo,balsam, 4kg special hair cream) external harddrive,kamera, shoes etc.

Apart from all the packing , i will have to completley cleanse out my room. Clean it all up , put all my things away. Althou my room will not dissapear! :D But my computer screen + staionary PC will be packed down so it won't just stand here and gather dust. Hurray for cleaning!!





Av Mathilda - 25 december 2012 12:40


Av Mathilda - 25 december 2012 11:51

So yesterday it was christmas eve . we were celebrating at home , just me , mum and sister. And Elvis offcourse! :)

We ate lots of goood christmas food and drank snapps! Quiet strong but singing christmas songs while drinking it is hilariously fun. So after we ate the christmas table , it was time to open the gifts.
I got some really nice things, a black beautiful Cardigan, make up (mascara ) (eyeliners) leggings, a Japanese culture " survival" book ! It was a really nice book. And something very personal from my sister , to represent her while i'm in Japan.
a jewelry for my bracelet , looks like a silver ruby flower, and she thought it looked like a Sakura flower. And she called me Sakura flower , as it looks like a thing which would fit me. It was really beautiful and i'm so happy i got it     We had a great christmas eve together <3


Av Mathilda - 24 december 2012 14:08


Av Mathilda - 4 december 2012 20:48

This is like one of the first rushes i believe.. It's not long until my journey starts in Japan! I've got my mail from the house i will be staying at in Japan and it told me about the house itself, surroundings etc. So ive been sending mails and reading alot today. But that step is cleared , now that i have accapted the little apartment. But still quiet alot of stuff i need to finnish like, I need to make a application for the certificate and then send it to the Japanese embassy in stockholm and then 2-5 days the visa will be ready. I haven't felt the real feeling yet that i'm actually leaving to japan. , as i've not really been able to think about it fully. But this is the biggest thing i will be doing in my life now, so i'm really excited and glad.

anyway , gonna chill for now , its been a looooong day :)

nighty nighty all!

Av Mathilda - 1 december 2012 01:08

Some random stuff i like :D



Hej allesammans! Och välkommen till min första blogg! Hade tänkt att använde denna blogg för min resa till Japan, här ska jag ladda upp bilder och text så du kan följa mitt dagliga liv :D


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